Human eye tell the difference between 60fps and 120fps

Can the human eye tell the difference between 60fps and 120fps?

You’re likely familiar with frames per second (FPS) if you like the latest or best technology. In order to gain an advantage over your rivals while gaming, you need the best quality picture for watching movies. But FPS is unknown to many people and does not pertain to them. They often wonder If a 60 fps and 120 fps video can be discerned by the human eye? In the end, they are clueless about it. Thus to know more about it, keep reading.

What is the maximum speed that the human eye can perceive?

Visual stimuli are usually measured in frames per second (fps) because our eyes movement are not at a specific speed always. There is a certain pace at which our eyes perceive visual cues in the world around us. There is no definitive answer about how many frames a second the average human can see, but the consensus is between 30 and 60 frames per second. According to some scientists, some may even have even more than that. Because of this, you may be perplexed by the fact that why modern video games, especially VR games, include significantly greater frame rates and more complex graphics? Reason being, our range of vision may be more than we initially imagined.

Is the human eye capable of seeing 60 fps?

Fps that human can percive

The human eye is capable of seeing 60 frames per second and may even be able to see a little more. High-definition (HD) video is shot at 60 frames per second; this frame rate is often employed because it is NTSC-compatible. Human eyes are also able to perceive it as a rate of frames. The human visual system can process between 20 and 60 fps. In addition, some people have the ability to see much more than that, say the experts. Though it has been theorised that humans can only perceive up to 60 frames per second, tests have been conducted in which subjects are shown for content at frame rates ranging from 60 to 240 in an effort to spot the differences; these results suggest that humans can actually perceive up to 240 frames per second..

Is the human eye capable of seeing 120 fps?

Yes, Human eyes can recognize 120 frames per second, though not all individuals are able to do so. As the frame rate per second increases, the motion will become smoother. In games, 240fps makes the action smoother, which gives gamers the best gaming experience. Whenever a scene is shot in slow motion in movies, a high frame rate is used, which results in slower action, such as a bullet escaping a gun and shattering a window. Most of the action is captured at 240 frames per second; however increasing the frame rate will make the scenes more engaging. Yes, the eyes and human brain can see 120 frames per second, but the limit is higher than 120 frames per second.

Are 60fps and 120fps distinguishable by the human eye?

In terms of human eyesight, they are capable of detecting 40 fps at a glance. Over 80% of the time, humans process images in their brains. Human brains perceive reality at 24-48 frames per second, according to scientists. Human brains have the capability of processing images at 600,00 times the rate of text. On the other hand, a display with a refresh rate of 60 hertz can render 60 images per second. Therefore, if you increase your FPS from 60 to 120 Hz on a monitor with 60 Hz refresh rate, you won’t see any such  difference since the monitor will not be able to draw the images at that rate.


Thus, things beyond 60Hz cannot be seen by human eyes. So why do 120fps/144fps monitors perform better than others? The reason is that the brain is responsible for seeing, not the eye. Therefore, technically, human eyes are capable of seeing beyond 120 frames per second. But in the process of transmitting information directly to the brain, the eye loses or alters certain characteristics.

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